n this video you’ll learn the three tips to help you hire the right business coach.



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Fact, if you’re going to have success in business, you need a coach. Now, finding the right coach and the right time to hire a coach are going to be key. And in this video I am going to share three tips on how you can ensure you are finding the right coach. I’ve always believed in coaches, whether it be in my business career or in sports.

I’ve hired plenty of coaches, but there’s one that comes to mind that I want to share with you today that’s going to set up why it is so important that you make sure you are putting the time in to find the right coach so that you know you’re investing your money wisely. About 15 years ago, I decided that I was going to become a competitive triathlete.

So to get there, I knew I had to hire a coach. I hired somebody local. She was already doing what I was on wanting to do. She was creating the results or getting the results I wanted to get. So I thought it would be a wise choice of spending my money and the relations trip started off beautifully. I was getting the workouts I wanted, I was getting the coaching I wanted.

Then something happened that was very interesting. About a month and a half into this coaching relationship, we found ourselves competing in the same triathlon and I beat her. And in that moment, the coaching staff, yeah, we still had a coaching relationship, but I’ll be honest, the coaching was not the level it was before. And in that moment I learned a very important lesson.

She’s a great coach, but make no mistake, she didn’t want to coach you to be better than she was. And that lesson has impact on me to this day, and it’s something I think about every time I am coaching my own clients here at business. Now, when you decide it is time that you are going to hire a coach or a mentor to take your business to the next level, I want to share three things you have got to look out for.

So you know you’re making a competent decision. Number one, are they doing what they are going to coach you to do? It is very important. You work with somebody who is already doing what you want to do. Trust me, there are a lot of coaches out there today that pontificate but actually don’t practice what they coach their people to do.

The first thing you’ve got to look for is find a coach who is doing what they are going to be coaching you to do. One of our pillars here, a complete game consulting is we go first. We do not coach our clients on anything. We have not tried first and aren’t still doing today. Number two, are they teaching you a process you can repeat or are they just telling you what to do?

You see tactics are important in coaching because you do need to know what to do, but a good coach meets you where you’re at and they don’t just tell you what to do. They teach you a repeatable process. You can go deploy time and time again. So when it comes to looking for the right coach, make sure you are finding a coach who’s teaching you a process, just not quickly telling you what to do.

And number three, make sure you’re finding a coach who’s going to coach you to be better than they are. One thing I pride myself on is coaching a client who actually becomes better at a certain skill than I am myself, whether that be social media content. You name it, you want to work with a coach who is not going to cap the coaching at their own level of success.

You want to find a coach who is driven and motivated to make sure you are the best, even if that means you’re now better than they are. I hope this helped out. Coaching is important and you are going to need a coach to take your business to the next level, but make sure that you take the time to invest in the right coach and make sure the coaching comes at the right time.

You see, it’s important to know who you’re investing your money with in your time with. So make sure you’re finding coaches who are going to teach you a repeatable process. A coach who’s already doing what you want to do, but most importantly, find a coach who’s going to keep coaching you long after you’re actually better at certain skills than they are.

That’s how you know you’re going to find the right coaching and know you are investing the right money with the right person.