Exciting Announcement RE: The Future Of The Bullpen Sessions Podcast
I have a special announcement to make about the future of the podcast.
Don’t worry, it’s all good news: I’m excited to take this show to the next level in 2025!
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Video Transcript:
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Hey, hey, welcome back to the Bullpen Sessions podcast. Your host, Andy Neary here. Now, you might be wondering, Andy, a little concerned here. I’m normally used to getting your podcast episodes dropped in my, my, my Apple or Spotify on a Friday morning. I’m getting this on another day. What’s going on? Well, I am putting out this special episode, very brief episode, because I got a really cool announcement.
We’re going to be going under a name change with the bullpen sessions podcast. So let me let me tell you why we’re doing this. When I started the Bullpen Sessions podcast in 2000, it was either 2019, 2020, I can’t quite remember. I wanted to start a podcast because I had a side hustle at the time, which has turned into complete game consulting, and I wanted to use the podcast to create more awareness for my brand.
Take a lot of notes here as I walk through my journey, because as a coach, I’m going to suggest you do this too. I wanted to create a lot of awareness for my brand, my new podcasting would be an opportunity for me to get my message out far, fast and wide. But at the time, the reason I called it Bullpen sessions is it tied back into my past as a professional baseball player, as a pitcher, every week you had your one bullpen session with your pitching coach to work on your craft.
So I thought that was a really cool name. You know, this was your weekly dose of coaching you’re going to get from me. And at that time, my goal was to interview all our former pro athletes, high level collegiate athletes who had a lot of success on the field no matter what that field was or that court was, and have also gone on to have a lot of success in chapter two of their life after their athletic career was over.
So I think of somebody like, Sam Con Gatto, if you’re a Packer fan, Sam Con Kongolo burst onto the scene as a green Bay Packer running back back in the early 90s. I was fortunate to have Doctor Sam Kongolo on the podcast a while back. He’s now gone on to have a very successful career in the in the field of medicine.
But that was my goal to talk to athletes who, have had a lot of success on and off the field. And it was fun. Truth be told, after a while it got hard to get certain athletes on the show. But what transpired over the course of the years of running, you know, the podcast we’re now on episode 315 is I realized that we needed to make a shift, and the shift that that needed to occur was we need to make this very much, a podcast that helps grow our business, our complete game consulting.
Now, I’m not saying that’s a shift you have to make when you have a podcast, but I made that decision through the mentors, you know, from the mentors that I work with, the coaches I work with, they highly suggested me shift the podcast to, to drive more business development than just to be a fun side passion project, if you want to call it that way.
But so at that time, when I, when I, when I made the decision, I said, okay, we’re going to really drive this podcast for insurance professionals because that is our audience. Those are our prospects. And at that time, I added the name and podcast driven, podcast for insurance professionals driven to reach their full potential. That’s when we added that to the name of the podcast.
So when you look at the name of the podcast today, it’s Bullpen Sessions, a podcast for insurance professionals driven to reach their full potential. Well, fast forward to today. We’re about to go undergo another name change. And after working with my coaches and my business consultants that I utilized to help grow my business, I made a decision that effective January 1st, we will no longer be called the Bullpen Sessions Podcast.
It’s going to be called the Accelerate Your Insurance Sales podcast. So when our first episode drops, I think it’s Friday, January 3rd. You are going to hear another name announced at the beginning of the episode. It’s not going to be welcome back to the bullpen sessions. I’m your host, Sandy neary. It’s going to be welcome to the Accelerate Your Insurance Sales podcast.
And you might be saying, Eddie, why are you doing this? That’s not as fun or as catchy as Bullpen Sessions. I love the fact it ties into your brand as a former professional athlete. Yeah, well guess what? We’re growing our business. We’re scaling our business. And if you want your marketing to be effective, aka in this case, our podcast, it has to be clear on who you serve.
So effective January 1st, we are changing the name of the podcast to the Accelerate Your Insurance Sales podcast. So I hope you continue to be a subscriber. We’re still going to pump out the same great content. We have a really cool note. Side note here is every guest episode is going to be in person next year. No more of these virtual interviews.
These are all going to be in person where the guest and I are in the same room. I will be flying to different parts of the country to do these episodes, do these interviews. So it’s going to be exciting. You’re going to absolutely love the upgrades we make to the podcast. So yeah, just wanted to make that announcement.
I hope you’re excited. Like I said, we’re going to be pumping out the same great content we always have just under a new name, the Accelerate Your Insurance Sales podcast, so I hope you continue to listen. I hope you too. I hope you share it with your peers. And I’m excited for what, 2025 hosts? Thanks for listening. That’s all we got for today’s episode of the Bullpen Sessions podcast.
One thing that would really help us both, and other new potential listeners, is for you to rate the show and leave a comment in iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you tune in to listen to the show. Also, make sure to link up with us at Complete Game consulting.com on social media, and please share this podcast with anyone who you think might enjoy it.
Until next time, remember. Clarity creates confidence. Confidence creates consistency. Consistency makes you unstoppable.