If you’ve followed my social media for any amount of time, you know that I’m very passionate about video content, and the fact that it’s the single best thing you can do today to market your agency. But what if you don’t have time to make all that content?

This week on Bullpen Sessions, I share some tips and strategies to making content quickly. With today’s AI tools and the right approach, anybody can make content that makes you and your agency seem omnipresent on social media.

I also pull back the curtain to show you exactly what tools we utilize here at Complete Game Consulting to produce content. Feel free to copy us! Your bottom line will thank you.


Video Transcript:

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Hey, hey, welcome back to Bullpen Sessions. My name is Andy Neary, and this is episode 292. In this week’s episode, you are going to learn how to create a month worth of content in one hour. Yes, you heard that correctly. Most insurance professionals, most agencies fall short of building credibility with their target prospects simply because they don’t have enough content out there.

They have a horrible online presence, and content is a massive, massive piece of building an online presence that gives your prospects the credibility to hire you. However, with content comes work. Yes, it does take time to create videos and articles and emails to help you stay top of mind with your prospects, so it’s easy to put content on the backburner for the excuse of I just don’t have the time.

However, given all the tools we have today, especially with artificial intelligence, you can actually create more content than you know what to use in a matter of an hour or two. And in this episode, I’m going to show you how to do it. In fact, I’m opening up the kimono. I am going to show you how we create content here at Complete Game Consulting, so we can create an omnipresence appearance on social media that helps us drive more than one lead a week from our social media content.

So get ready if you know content needs to be a part of your strategy, you don’t feel like you have the time or you don’t know where to start. This is going to be the episode for you. Buckle up. Let’s dive in. Here we go. Hey, welcome back to Bullpen Sessions. In this episode today I’m going to teach you how to create a month worth of content in one hour.

Yes, you heard that right. With the tools we have today, it is possible to create one month’s worth of social media content in merely one block of time. 60 minutes long. And I’m going to teach you how to do that. In fact, I’m going to teach you how we create our content here at Complete Game Consulting. Yes, I am going to lift up the hood and area here.

I hope you’re doing well. Let’s talk about content before I dive into the strategy we use here to create a ton of content, I want to set the stage for why I’m talking about this today, the month of June. As this podcast airs, we are dedicating a lot of our content to websites. one thing we assist clients with is how to design a website that stands out that tells your prospect story and keeps your prospects on the website so that they keep searching.

and learning from you while they stay on your website. It’s just a more effective way to have a website and have a website that actually is is doing the job you want it to. As you invest a lot of dollars in building a website. So as we talk about all things website, one of the most important things your website has to have is content.

In fact, when I help an agency build a website now, we do not build websites. At Complete Game Consulting. We help with the messaging. We call it wireframing. but when we help an agency design a website, one of the pages they have to have today on a site is what we would call the resources library or the resource page.

You need to have a page on your site that houses videos, blogs, because one of the best things you could do with your website is make it a place where your prospects can learn from you. It can’t just be some static, a bunch of static landing pages where people come to learn about you. They have to. It has to include a place where people can learn from you, and really having a good resource page filled with content is going to help you do just that.

Videos, blogs, you name it. And so today, if I’ve sold you on the fact that you need to have content on your website, the question you might ask is Andy, right? How the heck do I have time to create this content? So let’s talk about the problem. The problem you have right now when it comes to your website.

When it comes to just establishing credibility with your prospects, is you don’t have enough credibility with your prospects. The reason they’re hiring or not hiring you has nothing to do with the fact that you’re not big enough, that you don’t have the right knowledge or the right strategies. It’s simply because you don’t have enough credibility. The reasons they tell you they’re going with somebody bigger, or the reasons they’re telling you they’re going with somebody who has a different strategies because that individual, that broker has more credibility.

And if you’re listening in right now and you work for an agency that can’t tout its size, this episode is going to be really helpful for you because right now I’m watching too many agencies, too many producers come in second place simply because they have not built enough credibility. And the way to overcome that is to have a really clear and effective online presence.

Having a good website is very much a part of that online presence. Content is a massive piece of that online presence. In fact, I sit here today as I record this on June 5th, and I can tell you that our social media content is the number one driver of our leads that complete game consulting. We get more than one lead a week simply from our social media content.

And the reason we put out so much is because we have seen what it has done for our revenue and our credibility with the insurance market. Now, here’s the reality. Anybody can do that if they’re willing to put the time and the commitment in to create enough content. And so today, what I want to do is to teach you how you can create a ton of content in a short amount of time.

In fact, I believe today you can create one month’s worth of content in a matter of 60 minutes with all the AI tools that are out there and all the things you can be doing. Yeah, you can create copious amounts of content in a little amount of time. And in fact, I’m going to show you how to do it.

I’m going to show you how we create our content. Here’s a complete game. Consulting on the presence is everything these days. You see, when somebody looks you up, which they’re going to do before they hire you, the question I want you to be able to answer is, what are they going to find? If you’re not clear about what they’re going to find about you when they search you online, that’s a problem.

You’re not you don’t have enough credibility, and content can help you overcome that. Because when people Google you, here’s what pops up your LinkedIn profile a YouTube channel. If you are creating videos and your website, those are the three main channels are going to pop up when somebody decides to Google you. And if they see a copious amount of content, they see a lot of content that’s present.

And it’s the message on the content they’re watching is clear. You will build credibility with them, and that’s what’s going to make it easier for them to say yes to you. And if you’re not creating content, you’re missing out on a big opportunity. I made a post about this recently on LinkedIn. It drives me nuts how often I hear from principal agency principals or sales directors who tell me I don’t want my guys spending a lot of time on social media, and they say that because they have a personal bias against it, they don’t like it, they don’t think it’s effective.

But the problem they’re creating is they’re cutting off a huge opportunity for their producers to establish credibility with their target prospects. In fact, they’re cutting off their agency’s opportunity to create a lot of credibility with the target market. And so I hope I’ve sold you on the fact that content has to be an important part of your strategy today.

Now, with that all being said, let’s level set and talk about how you can create a ton of it. And I am literally going to walk you through step by step. I’m probably going to lean in to tactical here because I want to give you this process, this strategy that it’s going to help you create more content. We call it the calm, pounding content maximizer.

I wish I had a better name, but here’s what I came up with for now the compounding content maximizer. It is how you create a ton of content in a short amount of time. So here’s what I want you to do. We’re just going to get right into the tactics. If you want to use content effectively, you want your content to help you establish thought leadership.

Thought leadership is what is going to help you create a level of subject matter expertise with your prospects and credibility. Thought leadership is what builds credibility, and that thought leadership is what’s going to make it easier for your prospects to say yes to you. So with that in mind, this content that I want you to consider especially for your website, we’re going to talk about videos and blogs.

It would be built around thought leadership. So here’s the first question I want you to ask yourself. Who’s your favorite client today? I just want you to give give that some thought. Who is your favorite client today? Not only do I want you to think about the business you work with, if you are in the B2B market, I want you to think about the person you work with there.

Who is your main point of contact. Now if you’re asking Andy, okay, we’re here to talk about content and websites. What the heck does my favorite client have to do with this? Here’s why. If you get a clear picture of who your favorite client is today when it comes to creating thought leadership content, you only have one job.

Create content that your favorite client will find useful. Every time you create a piece of content, I want you to think about educating your ideal prospect. I want you to think about sitting across the table in a conference room at a whiteboard, educating your favorite client. What kind of information would they find useful? That’s the thought leadership content.

I want you to focus on the second question I want you to consider when creating content is what do you want to become known for? Too many agencies and producers lean into what we refer to as the spray and pray process of marketing, where they just throw anything and everything out there hoping something sticks when the answer is doing the opposite.

Instead of trying to be known for everything, I want you to be known for one thing. So when it comes to creating thought leadership based content, what you want to be known for, maybe it’s captives, maybe it’s self-funding, maybe it’s I’m the guy or the man, or the woman who brings alternative funding solutions to my clients. Maybe it’s managing gaps and risk.

Maybe I want to become known as the expert in a specific industry niche. What do you want to become known for? Your content needs to be built around that. Become known. For one thing, in my mentorship and my coaching, one of my coaches has taught me what he calls she hands principle. The she hands rule, and the she hands wall as he refers to it, is how you are going to break through the wall of anonymity to create brand recognition.

The best way to break through and create brand recognition in your market is to become known for one thing. To give you an example, think of somebody like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Today we know Arnold is a movie star. He was a governor of a state. He probably owns dozens of businesses today. But that’s not what he was originally known for, right?

He was originally known for bodybuilding. That’s how he broke through. That’s how he built brand awareness. Once he broke through, he could go do anything he wanted. If you want to break through that wall, Sheehan’s wall and create brand recognition, become known for one thing. Stop talking about everything. Now, with that in mind, your content strategy needs to be built around these two questions.

Who is your favorite client and what do you want to become known for? And your job is to build content around that thing you for which you want to become known for, and create content that your ideal or favorite client would find useful. But I don’t want to say it’s that simple, but it’s that simple. And then you’ve got to put your blinders on and ignore everything else.

Now, with that being said, if I were to create a month’s worth of content in one hour, here’s what I would do. First, I would sit down and I would pick one topic per week for the entire month. So if the month has four weeks, I would pick four topics that I would talk about that are built around what I want to become known for, and I would design those so that my ideal client would find them useful.

So sit down and write out what those four topics are going to be. Now you got to create a lot of content because the goal is you’ve got to build a lot of awareness with your ideal prospects. The more content you create, the more credibility you are going to build. We leverage a, formula here we call value times.

Volume equals credibility velocity. The more value you bring, the more often you do it, the faster you are going to build credibility. So you want to create a lot of content. The days of I’m only going to share something once a month is not enough. You gotta produce more content. So knowing you are limited in time, how can you create a ton of content without a ton of work?

Well, now that you have these four topics for the month in mind, what I want you to do is I want you to sit down and I want you to record a 5 to 6 minute video on each topic. That’s four videos, 5 to 6 minutes each. I don’t want you to script them out. I don’t want you to overthink them.

I don’t want you to look for the perfect editing. All I want you to do is hit record and record these four topics. Now, with these four videos completed, we’re talking about 20 to 25 minutes worth of video content in total. What you’re going to do is you’re going to decide which weeks each video is going to go out, because you’re going to post one video a week.

Now we’re just getting started. But the first thing I want you to do with the first video, the first topic is I just want you to post it on LinkedIn. As long as a video is not longer than ten minutes, you can post it on LinkedIn. Go post it on LinkedIn. The next thing you’re going to do is I want you to take that video, and I want you to upload it to your YouTube channel.

Now it’s here, you might say, Andy, I don’t have a YouTube channel. That’s right. I want you to build one, because if you are going to use video as part of your content strategy, you have to have a YouTube channel today. Even if you’re a producer at an agency, you don’t own your agency. I’m going to urge you to have a YouTube channel.

Maybe your agency is willing to build one. Why? Because if you have video and you’ve got a YouTube channel, if people Google you the videos are going to show up. If you have a YouTube channel, that’s credibility to. The second thing you’re going to do is you’re going to upload this 4 to 5 to six minute video to YouTube.

Now the next thing you’re going to do is you’re going to take this video, this 5 to 6 minute video, and you’re going to upload it to one of the new AI platforms like videos, AI or opus that clip. These are two or excuse me, open Stock Pro. These are two AI platforms we use here to turn our video, one video in a multiple videos because what these platforms do is they allow you to upload your 5 to 6 minute video, and then I goes in and it does the job of creating shorts.

Those are the vertical clips. You see people posting that are less than 60s long. So if you upload a 5 to 6 minute video to video AI or opus that pro, it will cut it up into two, maybe three short clips. Now think about that. All you have to do is record one video, but now you have 3 or 4 different videos, and I want you to take those 2 or 3 clips, and I want you to post them out on social media as well.

Now, the nice thing about the clips is you could post them on LinkedIn. You could post them as YouTube shorts, you could post them and TikTok on Instagram, on Facebook could post them everywhere. But now you’ve got multiple videos to use. But we’re not done. The next thing I want you to do if you have a YouTube channel, we leverage a tool here, a Chrome extension.

So we use Chrome as our internet service, whatever you call it, platform. And we have it in embedded Chrome extension called YouTube summaries via ChatGPT YouTube summaries via ChatGPT. What this tool does is it allows me to take a video that I have on my YouTube channel and transcribe the video into words in a matter of seconds.

So when you add the plugin, which takes seconds, by the way, and you upload one of your videos to YouTube when it’s uploaded, there you can click the new button, the new extension, and in seconds you’re going to have a written transcription of your video. Now this is where it gets really good. We take that transcription of my 5 to 6 minute video and we throw it in ChatGPT, and we ask ChatGPT.

We prompt ChatGPT to write a LinkedIn newsletter, using the video transcription.

And in a matter of a minute, chat will write that article for you, that newsletter. Now, here’s what I love about this. When you’re using a video transcription, you don’t have to worry about copyright infringement because it’s writing your words from the video. You can literally copy and paste if you wanted, but now you have taken one video, you have turned it into multiple videos.

You have uploaded your original video to YouTube job to LinkedIn. You have created multiple short videos from it where you can upload to YouTube, to LinkedIn, to Instagram, to TikTok and Facebook. Now you’ve turned your video into a LinkedIn newsletter. We’re not done. Now, using ChatGPT, you can turn right around and ask chat to turn your newsletter, your LinkedIn newsletter, into an email newsletter that you could push out to your email list in.

In a matter of a 30s to a minute, ChatGPT is going to write your email newsletter for you. You could use the email to redirect the people back to your link on LinkedIn to the newsletter. So now you recorded one video, you’ve got it posted on multiple platforms. You’ve got short clips you can post on multiple platforms. You have turned the video into an article.

You’ve posted on LinkedIn as a newsletter, and now you have use that article or that newsletter and created an email newsletter you push out to your email list. We’re not done. One more thing to do now I want you to take your video, the original 5 to 6 minute video, and I want you to upload it to your website.

I want you to take the LinkedIn newsletter, and I want you to upload it to your site as an article or a blog. And now you’ve got your video and your article also housed on your website.

Think about this for a second. You had to sit down and record one 5 to 6 minute video on a topic that you want to become known for, a topic that allows you to build thought leadership. And from that one 5 to 6 minute video, you’ve allowed yourself to post it on multiple platforms like LinkedIn and YouTube. You have turned that one video into multiple short clips you have posted across multiple channels on social media, including YouTube and LinkedIn.

You have turned your video into a LinkedIn newsletter you have now posted on LinkedIn. You’ve turned around and turned that into an email newsletter that you have pushed out to your email list, and you have taken the original video and the LinkedIn newsletter and uploaded it to your website as a video and a blog. Now imagine if you did that every week.

Do you realize how much credibility and awareness you are going to build that whole process for one video, by the way, takes about 20 minutes.

Now imagine you sit down on the first Monday of every month, and you record all four of those for the four topics of the month. You repeat that process for each video in a matter of an hour, maybe a little more. You have all the content you will need for the entire month done on the first Monday of the month.

This has completely changed the game for us. A complete game consulting. I want to believe we create probably more content that almost anybody in the insurance industry, and we laugh because people think all we do is create content. We sit down and we sit in studio and create content. No, we actually don’t have to create a whole lot of it because it’s how we repurpose all of our content.

And that’s what I wanted to share with you today. I know I’m probably sharing a little too much the secret sauce in this episode, but I don’t care. It’s about delivering value. But I hope you take this message and I hope you apply it. I hope you sit down. Try it with one video before you do an entire month.

Just try it with one video for one week. Let me know how it goes. Oh by the way, I will throw this out there if you still struggle with time. We actually have a team who can do this work for you. If you want to know more about that, hit me up. But man, I’m here to tell you, if you want to build that credibility with your prospects, you want your prospects looking you up and being damn impressed with what they find.

So they have the confidence to say yes to you. It is a game of content. Today, and it doesn’t take that long to create a ton of it. So my advice for you after listening to this episode is I want you to sit down and I want you to lay out the four topics you would use in one month.

And I want you to go to work using our Compounding Content Maximizer formula strategy. And I want you to try it with one video. And then when that works, I want you to try it the next with the next, with the next. And then I want you to get to a point where you can do all of this in the matter of an hour or two, on one day of the month, where you have all the content you need for the entire month, you will be blown away by the level of credibility you create.

You will be blown away by the level of omnipresence you create. Prospects will be seeing you everywhere. You have people reaching out to you saying, man, you’re everywhere. You’re content everywhere. Things must be going well. This is how you build a business today. So as long as I’ve sold you on the need for content, this strategy is going to help you create more than you’ll ever need to grow your business.

And you know if you need help getting there, you know where to find it. But please take this message today and run with it. Your business will never be the same again. Be good. That’s all we got for today’s episode of the Bullpen Sessions podcast. One thing that would really help us both in other new potential listeners, is for you to rate the show and leave a comment in iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you tune in to listen to the show.

Also, make sure to link up with us at Complete Game consulting.com on social media, and please share this podcast with anyone who you think might enjoy it. Until next time, remember, clarity creates confidence. Confidence creates consistency. Consistency makes you unstoppable.